Disease is the subject of pathology. The bridge connecting science and medicine is it. It serves as the foundation for all facets of patient care, from advanced genetic technologies and disease prevention to diagnostic procedures and treatment recommendations. Pathologists are medical professionals and scientists who specialize in disease and illness. Diseases are the subject of pathology. The illnesses that affect the body, their causes, how they entered the body, and whether they are acute or chronic in nature. The pathologist must examine the body's tissues and bodily fluids to determine what kind of disease it is. A subfield of medicine called pathology focuses on the nature, genesis, and causes of illness. In order to research and diagnose disease, it entails the investigation of tissues, organs, physiological fluids, and corpses. General pathology refers to a complicated and wide-ranging field that includes the investigation of the mechanisms underlying cell and tissue damage as well as knowledge of how the body reacts to and heals damage.
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